Friday 19 March 2010

Back on the bike

I have really forgotten when I last cycled, but it was probably about a year ago. To coin a phrase, it became too difficult to get my leg over and too dangerous to stop and put my right foot to the ground, as the old hip steadily declined. The bike languished in the shed throughout the winter, gathering dust and cobwebs but with Spring beginning to appear and my improved hip confidence I decided to give it an airing last weekend. Cycling is an approved activity for hipsters like me as it is non impact and uses the wasted muscles in the hip and thigh very effectively. Time then to put myself to the test....

WPH kindly pumped up the tyres, the frame was wiped down and I managed the leg over bit without a twinge. Fantastic! Imagine my surprise though, when I glanced down into the bike's wicker basket....

.......there was a beautiful nest, literally nestling at the bottom of the basket, composed of leaves, moss and hair, but now forgotten. Cobwebs suggest it had been there since last summer, a wonderful hideaway for one of our garden visitors. Out came the bird books and the following description seems to fit.

'the nest, usually with a frontage of dead leaves, is made of moss and lined with hair, and is placed in some sort of hollow: in a bank, wall, tree-stump, old tin, and in many curious places, even in occupied houses.'

I feel very honoured that our friendly robin made such good use of my inactivity in such a curious place!