Friday 4 June 2010

'Let's go for a walk'

Over the years WPH and I have enjoyed discovering many of the 'petites randonnees', (round walks), which abound in this area of France. Needless to say I am thrilled to be back in my walking shoes this summer and able to tackle some of the longer promenades. Last Sunday was perfect walking weather, not too hot, dry and with a gentle breeze. We chose a local walk we had done before, taking in two substantial hills which offer wonderful views.

Wild flowers, including orchids, were everywhere and my camera was soon clicking away.

We heard golden orioles, summer visitors from Africa, with their tropical throaty birdsong and WPH was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the golden flash as one flew past. Two and a half hours later and we made it home. I was very gratified when I glanced down at my pedometer.

6.8 miles is my longest walk for quite some time!

1 comment:

  1. looks like a wonderful place to walk. congrats on the distance x
