Sunday 6 December 2009

Physical and mental workouts

I hope readers will forgive the constant reference to achievements but having undergone major surgery I suspect it's only natural to want to return to 'how I used to be' as soon as possible. Perhaps too, it is the thought of my follow up appointment with the surgeon next week which makes me concentrate on physical milestones. This week I have increased to twenty five repeats for each of my 7 daily exercises, as well as walking round the University Parks (2.2 kms) on two successive days in glorious sunshine. Gandalf (my wizard of a surgeon) has the power to allow me to drive again next week, so not surprisingly that is quite an incentive to do the daily leg therapy. WPH thinks it is like watching a ballet bar workout, although fluffy slippers don't look quite as good as ballet shoes! (NB -no picture here- just use your imagination!)

One impressive student jogger managed to lap me five times during my fairly brisk walk around the parks.....however I couldn't help wondering how his hips would be at my age!?

There have been some mental improvements this week too as the weird after effects of the operation anaesthetic have finally disappeared. I concentrated long enough to finish a diabolical sudoku. YES! Strangely I completed the previous diabolical sudoku during the morning of my operation day...I must have been more focused than I remember!

These knitted Christmas tree decorations are destined for the grandchildren and each took about an hour to finish. Searching on the internet for the patterns took far longer....but I now know there are the most amazing knitting patterns out there!

Finally, having been inspired by a recent post on the Listwriter's blog, and needing sustenance after the mental and physical exertions of the week, I set to work in the kitchen and baked a cake. This was the last slice....mmmmm


  1. I'm sure the jogger didn't manage to absorb the loveliness of the park on their speedy trip round and round.
    and we made list writer cake this weekend too, but it was all gone far to quick for a photo xxx

    ps word verif - woundu , a reference to your wound perhaps, I hope a good omen for your surgeon visit ...

  2. Reading this is so energising! You sound on great form, Lady Hip!
