Wednesday 17 February 2010

Greetings from South West France

Faithful followers of this blog may have been perturbed by the recent absence of posts. Don't worry, the new hip is absolutely fine. My silence has been entirely due to lack of broadband provision, caused by transfering from one provider to another. I won't bore you with the details except to say I have discovered that internet cafes are fascinating places. Happily we are now in France where France Telecom have restored our faith in the internet.

So earlier this week with WPH's forthcoming birthday to celebrate and in glorious sunshine we thought we would check out our favourite restaurant in a nearby village and book for Dimanche dejeuner. A theraputic walk could be achieved at the same time, following one of the many local promenades, and taking in a gentle hill or two.

We soon arrived outside the restaurant, a lovely old building with its foody credentials suitably noted on a gate post.
But imagine our disappointment when we read the following notice....

I suppose things could be least Veronique et Frederic are opening up a new restaurant in another nearby town in April. However the quest is now on to find somewhere for Dimanche dejeuner!


  1. Nooooooooooo!!!! Graham and I are horror struck. Goodness me.

  2. if only we could have thought to go to france when our broadband was playing up. hope you find another favourite restaurant soon xx
