Sunday 4 October 2009

Masterchef in training

As the date of my hip replacement operation draws nearer WPH and I have been considering the practicalities of my recuperation. WPH has kindly offered to take on the catering during the initial few weeks. Normally he acts as chief bottle washer with some occasional vegetable preparation and I know that he would agree that his cooking skills have been somewhat neglected in recent years.

Where to start then? Firstly we are making a provisional list of 'possible' menus so that some essential practice can take place! The list so far seems to be dominated by pasta, bacon, cheese and meatballs. A limited repertoire but already new dishes are being added; this week WPH has mastered mackerel pate, and a delicious lamb hot pot. Quoting Gregg Wallace and Michel Roux from the current BBC Masterchef series I can say the lamb dish was 'bursting with flavour' and 'up to the standard required'. I finished everything on my plate!

Well done to WPH. It is not easy having Lady Hip perching next to you on her new kitchen stool, watching your every move whilst you are trying to refine those latent cooking skills!
PS. Daughter number 2 is very kindly coming to relieve WPH from kitchen duties for a few days when I return from hospital so the plans are coming together.


  1. sounds like your chef in training is learning really well! best wishes for the operation

  2. I have heard of another husband of a lady with a troublesome hip who was only able to heat up meals from the freezer during the recouperation period so WPH's repertoire is already impressive!
